Proyectos de investigación | Research projects
2022-2023. Análisis de brechas para el cumplimiento de la Meta 3: beneficios y co-beneficios de las áreas protegidas. Planificación nacional para una aproximación de conservación efectiva e inclusiva que permita alcanzar o superar la Meta 3 del Marco Global de Biodiversidad Post 2020. (WWF y CSF). Fundación Tierra Austral (con Ariane Claussen y Amanda Alonso).
2021-22 Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in India and Chile. A collaborative research agenda. The aim of the project is to establish a collaborative research agenda between CIGIDEN and COPE to produce cutting-edge research on Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) methodologies, through compared experiences from India and Chile. Funded by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development. Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research & RedR India.
2019-22 Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Processes at the local level. Transdisciplinary project oriented to both design and implement a community based model of disaster risk reduction. Principal researcher. Case study: Cartagena, Chile. Funded by the Research Center for integrated disaster and risk management | FONDAP Project 15110017.
2019-21 Misguided natures: ontological dissensions and transitions towards sustainability. Ethnographic project that studies the way three ontologies on climate change and geo-climatic disruptions are articulated: indigenous world, scientific world and the State; with the purpose of identifying an epistemological program (transitions) towards a more sustainable and resilient society. Co-researcher (lead researcher Manuel Tironi R). Case study: Atacama Salar. Funded by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development | FONDECYT Project 323481
2019 Mining and sustainability in the Andean countries. Analysis of the critical factors for good governance and harmonious relationships between mining companies and local communities. Principal consultant. Funded by ECLAC, Sustainable Development Division.
2018-21El Boldo to Cantillana Project. The Boldo Cantillana project uses the Derecho Real de Conservación agreement to protect Chile’s rarest, least protected and most threatened ecosystem: the Mediterranean habitat of central Chile. The project is also working to create financial, tax and other incentives to encourage private landowners to protect their properties, and is increasing public awareness of both the great importance of the Chile Mediterranean habitat and of the practicality of the DRC as a conservation tool for private landowners. Governance advisor in Tierra Austral Foundation. Funded by the BHP Charitable Foundation.
2018-20 Towards situated practices for disaster risk reduction (DRR): territoriality, local knowledge and intergenerationality. This project analyses how local knowledge has been key to overcoming this disaster, despite intra-community differences due to intergenerational dynamics. In short, it reveals that this knowledge has not only been useful in enabling Lafkenche communities to be more prepared, but has strengthened situated practices for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Chile. Postdoctoral researcher. Case study: Saavedra, Chile. Funded by Research Center for integrated disaster and risk management (CIGIDEN) and Center for Indigenous and Intercultural Research (CIIR). | FONDAP Project 15110017 & 15110006.
2017-18 Voluntary pre-investment agreement to improve engagement between communities and projects. CSIRO Chile coordinated the collection of the participants’ perceptions. Data was collected using a face-to-face questionnaire at the commencement of the voluntary pre-investment engagement activities. CSIRO researchers in Australia conducted the analysis. The analysis described and explained existing levels of trust in the company and acceptance of the project, which provides a basis for future engagement activities. Funded by the Sustainability and Climate Change Agency, CSIRO Chile & CSIRO Australia.
2016-17 Developing a participatory approach to understanding socio-environmental transformations and conflicts in the Atacama Desert, Chile: Gender, indigenous communities and large scale mining. This project analyzes the pressure that large mining investment projects place on water resources in the Atacama Desert and the way in which Aymara, Atacameño and Quechua indigenous communities have reacted. The project also considers how mining impacts the indigenous population that lives in urban spaces but remains strongly connected to the Andean world through ongoing relationships with their history, recent strategies of politicizing the environment and global indigenous reorganization in the context of extractivism. Co-researcher (lead researchers: Hugo Romero Toledo and Kathy Jenkins). Funded by the British Academy International Partnership and Mobility project (2016-2019), Catholic University of Temuco and University of Northumbria (UK).
2014 -15. Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios (MAPS). The MAPS Programme, which ran from 2010 to 2015, sought to build national scenarios to inform action towards a lower emissions future in four Latin American countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. The aim was to help combat climate change while fostering development, through contributing to an emerging body of knowledge with a long-term impact on policy making, planning and the institutionalisation of climate mitigation strategies. Project Coordinator Co-benefits and Vision 2050. Funded by the Children Investment Fund Foundation, Climate and Development Knowledge Network, Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development SDC & Danish Ministry of Climate Energy and Building.
2010-14 Negotiated rationalities, politicised identities: inter-generational relations, water conflicts and mining in Chiu – Chiu, Chile. This research addresses questions that notably consider how intergenerational relations may reflect and/or reinforce different rationalities about local development within an indigenous community when dealing with powerful outsiders. Specifically, this thesis assesses the degree to which the Indigenous Community of Chiu- Chiu, in this case study, is internally differentiated according to intergenerational dynamics, regarding their arguments on economic livelihood and development, negotiations with powerful outsiders, and perceptions of community development outcomes. PhD Researcher. Fully Funded PhD by the National Commission for Scientific and Technologic Research (CONICYT), Ministry of Education.
2009-10 Study of the trajectories of science and engineering Ph.D. in Chile. The main purpose of this project is the development of a set of studies on job placement, occupational trajectory, demand potential and work experience of PhDs in science and engineering, as well as on employment prospects and their use by companies productive. Researcher. Funded by Diego Portales University & Ministry of Education.
2008. Regional consultation to assess Latin American and Caribbean capacities and gaps in Climate Change and poverty reduction. The aim of the project was to strengthen the capacity of developing countries to assess and address the threat that climate change puts on development and poverty alleviation. It considered a consultation process to put inplace a research program that is expected to assist countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Asia in tackling climate change. Researcher and project coordinator. Funded by the The International Development Research Center (IDRC) and the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom (DFID).
2007-8 User guide: tools and strategies in environmental development. IIED has launched an initiative to produce an online User Guide to approaches (tools, methods and tactics) for mainstreaming (or integrating) the environment into development decision-making (referred to as environmental mainstreaming). Case studies: South Africa, India and Chile. Researcher. Funded by RIDES (Resources and Investigation for Sustainable Development) and IIED (International Institute for Environmental Development).
2006-7 National Capacity Self-Assessment for Global Environmental Management. Targeted cross-cutting capacity development projects will focus on particular sets of countries’ underlying individual, organizational, and systemic capacities to meet and sustain global environmental commitments. Researcher. Funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF), some being implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with others by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).